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Monday, June 14, 2010

How much does a polar bear weigh?

I don't know but it broke the ice! That will be this weeks chat up line!! So anyone who's on my facebook can probably guess that yesterday got a bit messy! I went to a place called South Side and that's where all the bars and restaurants are, and found an English bar, it was packed cos of the footy but I think I was the only English person in there!. Anyway, got chatting to a couple of great guys Greg and Dave and went to another bar with them for a few hours. They left so I went back to the English bar for some food then a student bar after that before managing to get home somehow!

So today I'm hoping to catch a bus to go downtown and see what's occuring down there as I haven't been yet.

Location:U.S. 19,Pittsburgh,United States

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