So today is the trip to Las Vegas. I had an option of two routes and decided to go the slightly longer one as it looked more scenic and went past the salt lakes.

I then hit the stare of Nevada and was almost immediately greeted with signs to go left to a casino or right for an Asian massage. I was a good boy and went to burger king for a drink!

I know I asked for large but come on! Surprised they weren't giving away free spades with it! The next part of the drive was really remote. just one single road as far as the eye could see, going through a valley of shrubs and gravel with huge mountains at either side dominating the skylines (I should be a writer!)

So I'm driving along minding my own business on the remote road and a cop was coming the other way. Next thing his lights and siren went on and he did a 180 turn in road as I passed him.
Wow! It was like been in the movies and was worth the speeding fine just to see that! I was gonna ask him if I could take a photo for my blog but thought better of it! It was a fair cop officer.
Literally 2 minutes later I am driving into a small town, next thing I have the blues and twos in my rear view mirror again. I thought he had forgot something. No, it was a different cop telling me I was speeding again, luckily he knew I had just been pulled and let me off with a warning as we both put it down to the fact I had just been pulled as was probably still thinking about it. Anyway, he was kind enough to give me directions to a quicker way to vegas. When I asked him would there be less cops on that route, he failed to see the funny side!
But that wasn't the scariest thing I saw today. That would be a sign saying '167 miles to the next gas station'! Good thing I had just filled up. I don't know how people would cope if they broke down at night with no payphones or mobile phone signal.
Just got to Vegas and the hotel is mental! It's huge! The lobby is like a shopping mall, they have a huge theme park inside and at least 20 restaurants. It will take a week just to find everything in the hotel never mind outside! Nice view from my room too!

Location:Circus Circus Dr,Las Vegas,United States