Had a great day today and loving San Diego and I love being near the water. Went for a breakfast at one of those places that have such a good reputation that there is a queue outside. This one was called Richard Walkers Pancake House and you guessed it, another breakfast pic!

That is sausages in pancakes, with some funky sauce and was really nice and yes I will be back tomorrow but taking the car next time. My feet are killing me from all the walking I've been doing on this trip and are getting worse because not having time to recover but I like the walks especially after the big boy breakfasts!

This was parked with a load of flash cars who owned the big yachts in the marina. Sign of things to come for me?!
I was feeling cheeky today and rather than risk an aeroplane sucking me into it's jets while I sunbathed around the motel 6 pool, I decided to gatecrash the Hilton hotel instead. I was even that clever, I did a recon before breakfast to see if I could get in without a key card! You get a much higher class tan there than motel 6 darlings! It was really nice there, 2 pools, waterfalls, bar etc. Anyway. I've kinda got into this so tomorrow I'm aiming for the Hyatt next door to it!! And then maybe The Westin on Saturday. I'm giving myself bonus points if I can get a cocktail on somebody's room bill!
Tonight, I have had the best meal ever in a really posh restaurant! I fancied steak and jacket potato and was recommended this place. There was one person for one job (water, bread, drink order, food order etc) and all queuing up after each other to serve me! I was like royalty, little did they know I was staying in a motel 6! I ordered a Corona and even the lime came skewered on a plastic cocktail stick balanced on the beer bottle! They were that posh, they didn't pronounce the 'T' on 'Fillet'! Anyway, I got what a wanted, a sizzling steak with a blue cheese and breadcrumb crust in butter with a fully loaded jacket potato. The steak was presented to me by yet another guy who spoke in a foreign language, gave me some story that sounded like he had gave birth, raised, killed and cooked the animal before giving it up to me!